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Wellbeing Verses Wellness

Wellness verses Wellbeing. What is the Difference?

The difference between wellness and wellbeing is that wellness is a more physical concept, while wellbeing is more mental.

Wellness is the state of being physically healthy. It includes the body's ability to function at its best, as well as the ability to recover from illness or injury. Wellbeing, on the other hand, is a state of being mentally healthy. It includes having good mental health and emotional well-being.

It is important to have a balance between physical and mental wellness.

The Definition of "Wellness"

The definition of wellness is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It is not just about being healthy but also about feeling good.

Physical wellness is the state of being physically healthy. It includes the ability to move around without pain or discomfort, having a healthy weight, and having normal blood pressure. Mental wellness is the state of being mentally healthy. It includes feeling good about oneself and one's life, having positive thoughts and feelings, and not experiencing any major mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Social wellness is the state of being socially healthy. It includes having supportive relationships with friends and family members as well as feeling connected to one's community or society in general."

5 Tips to get your wellness journey started

To inspire you I have put together these 5 wellness activities that will be sure to keep your body and mind happy!

  1. Taking a walk outside: A 15-minute walk outside can reduce stress levels by about 70%.

  2. Listening to music: Music lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, improves focus, and is just fun!

  3. Get social support: Join a women's circle or a club and make new friends. When we have the support of our friends, it's easier to stay on track with our goals.

  4. Eating a healthy breakfast: Studies show that this improves concentration by up to 20%.

  5. Journaling: Journaling is a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment or punishment. It feels good to get all of those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. It makes the world seem clearer

The Definition of "Wellbeing"

The definition of "wellbeing" may be a state of physical and mental health. Wellbeing, on the other hand, is a state of being mentally healthy. It includes having good mental health and emotions.

In today’s society, we are living in a culture where work is everything and some people don't want to take any time for themselves.

This eventually leads to depression, anxiety, and irritability which could be the cause of burnout. Thus it's important for someone to take time out just for themselves at least three times a week so that they can have their own personal well-being time.

5 Tips to get your wellbeing journey started

To inspire you I have put together these 5 wellness activities that will be sure to keep your body and mind happy!

1. Get enough sleep: Simply sleeping helps your body and brain function properly. When we sleep it gives our nervous system a chance to relax. When our nervous system is relaxed and restored we can manage all the everyday stresses and challenges with ease.

2. Yoga: Many studies have shown that regular yoga practice can improve multiple areas of your life at once. It improves your mental, physical and spiritual wellness all in one go! Bingo!

3. Laugh: Laughter is great for stress relief, when you laugh it enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles this increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. So pop on your favourite comedy or stand-up or watch a funny YouTube video and get laughing.

4. Spend time with friends and family: Spending time with your family and friends can increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Family relationships can help an individual cope with stress, engage in healthier behaviors, and enhance one's self-esteem.

5. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is consciously focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it. Rooted from Buddhism mindfulness is also practiced in many other religions through prayer and meditation. It helps you focus on the here and now and appreciate life's pleasures as they occur at the moment. You can do this through, meditation, prayer, reflection, breath work. Find what works for you.

Finding your Wellbeing & Wellness Balance

Achieving a state of balance means that you have to take care of your mental and physical health equally. There are many different techniques, exercises and practices to achieve your wellbeing and wellness balance, most importantly you need to find what works for you specifically as we are all unique. Wellness and wellbeing is a journey and in order to grow and bloom sometimes, we need to try alternative activities. Eventually, you will find what is achievable, fun and sustainable for you.


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